
Notice of Regular Board Meeting – 8.27.24

August 27, 2024

CVTC Boardroom – Valdez

5:30 pm

Teleconference Information:
Toll Free: (833) 253-8742
Conference ID: 809 725 071#


1. Call to Order

a. Roll Call

Karen Linnell, President
Ryan Morgan, Vice President
Jennie Sodergren, Secretary/ Treasurer
Shanna Conway
Scott Malone
Paul Nylund
Mike Rego
Terry Valentine

b. Introduction of Guests

2. Agenda

3. Member Comments

4. Unfinished Business

5. New Business

a. July 23, 2024, Regular Board Meeting Minutes

b. May 2024 Financials

c. Resolution 24-06: 2023 Capital Credit Allocations

6. Executive Session

a. Strategic Planning

7. Reports

a. CEO Report (written)

b. Director Attendance (written)

8. Future Meetings

9. Board Member Comments

10. Adjournment

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